How to Consume Less Calories



Eat your calories, don’t drink them. It’s that simple. Let’s take a look at why this will work by using oranges and orange juice as an example. A 24oz cup of OJ is about 330 calories now if your drinking this with breakfast most people would probably have 2 glasses of OJ making it 660 calories total. To get the same amount calories by eating oranges you would need to consume about 10 oranges, now for me and probably a lot of other people two oranges would be enough to fill up and you would only consume 140 calories.

Let’s take a look at why eating your calories is better than drinking them. First because it takes longer to eat calories than drink them. Why is this so important is because it takes around 10 minutes from the time you eat to the time your stomach sends a signal to your brain saying you have had enough. The brain can’t react fast enough when you drink something because it’s in you almost immediately and you don’t have to chew liquids.

Another reason why eating your calories is better is because of fiber. Fiber makes you feel more full without loading you with extra calories. Most juices out there offer a fraction of the fiber you would get by eating the fresh fruit, even the juices with “more pulp”. So by making this simple change in your diet you can seriously cut down on the amount of calories you eat and boost your weight loss goals.

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The 3 Body Types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph


There are three body types ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Each body type has a set of particular traits and will respond differently to different workout and diet plans. Not every person will fit exactly into one of the categories but will contain features of each, however one is usually predominant over the others.


Have a small build with lean muscle, small joints, and often have below average weight for their height. Usually referred to as the skinny person.

Common Characteristics:

  • Low Body Fat
  • Thin
  • Fast Metabolism
  • Small Joints
  • Flat Chest
  • “Hardgainer”
  • Thin Legs and Arms
  • Narrow Shoulders and Hips

Exercising Tips:

    • Weight train
    • Train with heavier weight in the 5-10 rep range
    • Workouts should be short and intense

Dieting Tips:

  • Eat 5-7 small meals a day
  • Because ectomorphs have a very fast metabolism they need to eat a lot of calories in order to gain weight


The mesomorph is somewhere between the ectomorph and endomorph. They have a large bone structure, large muscles and typically find it east to gain and lose weight. Physically they have the more ‘desirable’ body type.

Common Characteristics:

  • Road shoulders and narrow waist (V-tapered)
  • Muscular body with strong forearms and thighs
  • Low body fat
  • Puts muscle on easily
  • Burns fat easily
  • eats in moderation
  • well defined muscles

Exercise Tips:

  • Mesomorphs respond best to weight training
  • Stay within the 8-12 rep range
  • Cardio can be used to help stay lean

Dieting Tips:

  • Maintain your protein intake to at least 0.8 gram of protein per pound of body weight
  • For energy your carbohydrate intake should be about 40-60% of your diet (Choose healthy foods like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain)
  • Eat your normal 3 meals a day


The endomorph  is the exact opposite of the ectomorph. They have more fat build up and find it hard to lose it, despite trying different diets and training programs to lose it. They have little muscle definition and have a larger appearance.

Common Characteristics: 

  • Larger frame
  • Fat build up
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Bigger appetite
  • Wide bone structure

Exercise Tips:

  • Do more cardio to lean out
  • Weight lifting to build muscle
  • Compound lifts are great for burning more calories
  • Stay in the 10-15 rep range
  • Keep workout intensity high

Dieting Tips:

  • Count your daily calories
  • Portion your meals proportionately
  • Eat a lot of vegetables to help keep you full
  • Drink lots of water to help keep you full
  • Avoid processed food
  • Eat slower

Here are some some great foods to help get you started:

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Proteins: Fish (salmon, tuna), Chicken, turkey, beans (lentil, black beans), eggs, nuts, tofu
Carbohydrates: White rice, brown rice, oatmeal, oat bran

5 Easy Changes to Lose Pounds!

Measuring Tape Wrapped Around Fork1) Eat only when you’re hungry
Plenty of people eat when they’re bored and not actually hungry. It might not seem like a major issue when it comes to weight gain but eating when your body isn’t hungry is just adding unnecessary calories to your daily limit. Instead of eating when you’re bored just do something else to occupy yourself: watching tv, going to the gym, chewing gum, eating ice, or going out with friends.

2) Calorie count
You don’t have to get crazy with this but it is helpful. Most people don’t look at the calories of the foods they’re consuming and it often leads to weight gain. You can think you’re eating a healthy amount but when you count the calories at the end of the day it can be 500 calories more than what your body needs. That might not seem like much but that’s a total gain of a pound a week. Which again might not seem like much but in a year of continuing to eat that way leads to a 52lbs weight gain. Write down everything you eat for a week and at the end of that week count the calories and see how much you’re overeating. Then make adjustments accordingly.

3) Eat more whole foods
You don’t have to replace every single thing you eat with a whole food, but just incorporating more whole foods into your daily eating will benefit you. Whole foods are healthy and low in calorie. So instead of eating a granola bar for a snack which can have 250 calories instead go for an apple which has 100 calories and will keep you fuller longer. or instead of eating refined pastas eat more rice or even rice pasta. They’re lower in calorie and won’t spike your insulin.

4) Drink more water
I’m sure everyone has heard this a hundred times but it does work! Drinking water will fill your stomach leaving less space for food when your meal time comes. Drinking water also helps with digestion and energy. Replacing your sodas and juices with water also will help significantly since soda and juice are high in sugar and calories.

5) Exercise
Most people don’t like exercising but it doesn’t have to suck! even just going for a walk 30 min a day will help you lose weight and keep your metabolism going. Did you know walking for just 30 min a day will burn an extra 700-1400 calories a week? it’s the small things that can help make a big change.

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