How to Improve Your Digestion


The digestive system is the core for a healthy and energetic body but unfortunately we are turning into a bloated and constipated country. Americans spend $725 million dollars a year on laxatives, many are not needed, because of  false beliefs and misconceptions about constipation. So what are some common causes of constipation?

  • Poor Diet. A main cause of constipation may be a diet high in animal fats (meats, dairy products, eggs) and refined sugar (rich desserts and sugary drinks)
  • Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Also known as spastic colon. IBS is one of the most common causes of constipation in America.
  • Poor Bowl Habits. A person can make them self constipated by ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom. Some people do this because their too busy, or because they don’t want to use a public restroom.
  • Laxative Abuse. People who habitually take laxatives become dependent on them until their intestines become to insensitive and fail to work properly.
  • Travel. Often times people experience constipation while traveling because of change of their daily routine, eating, exercise, and drinking less water.
  • Medications. Many medications can cause constipation, such as pain medications, antacids, antidepressants, and tranquilizers. Ask your doctor to see if your medication causes your constipation.

Now you know some of the causes what are some ways to help stop and even prevent constipation from happening? The best way is through food. Eating a healthy diet will help to prevent you from becoming constipated in the first place. Here are some foods that help stop constipation.

  • High Fiber Foods. Fiber is the part of a plant that passes through your body undigested. Animal based foods do not naturally contain fiber but vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts all contain various amounts. Good sources of fiber include raspberries, bananas, dates, avocados, artichokes, lentils, almonds, flaxseed, and bran.
  • Foods High in Water. Vegetables and fruits with high water content aid digestive health in many ways. Water alone is essential for moving material through your digestive tract. Which is why fiber can’t fully function without water, that is why high fiber diets demand adequate fluid intake.
  • Foods Containing Probiotics. Cultured or fermented food are rich in the enzymes for healthy gut function. Fermented foods such as kimchi, pickles, and sauerkraut are potent detoxifiers. These veggies have very high levels of probiotic. Yogurt is one of the most widely used probiotics out there but be careful not all yogurts are beneficial.

Along with a healthy diet of foods and making sure your drinking enough fluids exercise also plays a big role in your digestive system. Even a simple walking regime of 10-15 minutes several times a day can be very beneficial in help optimally regulate your digestive system.

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The 7 Healthy Wonders of Water


1) Stay Slimmer With Water

Trying to lose weight? Water keeps you full! Replace calorie-filled beverages with water and drink a glass before meals to help you feel fuller. Drinking more water helps amp up metabolism – especially if your glass is icy cold. Your body must work to warm the water up, burning a few extra calories in the process.

2) Water Boosts Your Energy

If you’re feeling drained and depleted, get a pick-me-up with water. Dehydration makes you feel tired. The right amount of water will help your heart pump your blood more effectively. Water can also help your blood transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells. 

3) Lower Stress With Water

About 70% to 80% of your brain tissue is water. If you’re dehydrated, your body and your mind are stressed. If you’re feeling thirsty, you’re already a little dehydrated. To keep stress levels down, keep a glass of water at your desk or carry a sports bottle and sip regularly.

4) Build Muscle Tone With Water

Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates the joints. When you’re well hydrated, you can exercise longer and stronger without “hitting the wall.”

5) Nourish Your Skin

Fine lines and wrinkles are deeper when you’re dehydrated. Water is nature’s own beauty cream. Drinking water hydrates skin cells and plumps them up, making your face look younger. It also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, helping your skin glow.

6) Stay Regular With Water

Along with fiber, water is important for good digestion. Water helps dissolve waste particles and passes them smoothly through your digestive tract. If you’re dehydrated, your body absorbs all the water, leaving your colon dry and making it more difficult to pass waste.

7) Water Reduces Kidney Stones

The rate of painful kidney stones is rising. One of the reasons could be because people — including children — aren’t drinking enough water. Water dilutes the salts and minerals in your urine that form the solid crystals known as kidney stones. Kidney stones can’t form in diluted urine, so reduce your risk with plenty of water!

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Most healthy adults get enough to drink by letting their thirst guide them, but the exact amount you need depends on your size, level of activity, the weather, and your general health.You may need more water if you exercise or sweat heavily.

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